Helicopter Airlift Tutorial

Helicopter Airlift tutorial on how you can move objects with helicopter.
You can use this to move objects like cars, containers, tanks, and I belive you can also pick up troops the same way...that would be cool to see ... right ?
Dont forget to give me a thumbs up to put my wids out there on youtube. More Arma 3 tutorials cooming soon ...


trigger 1
this; car1 distance heli1 < 8;
car1 attachTo [heli1,[ 0, 1, -10]];

trigger 2
this; (getpos car1 select 2) <0.5;
detach car1;

Arma 3 conversation Blufor vs Independent #Diego Valdez

Arma 3 Blufor vs Independant conversation BIG FAIL

Arma 3 conversation between Blufor and Independent situation.
In this tutorial I will show you what will hapen if you try to make the conversation between two sides. It has a BIG fail.
I used the 3 sound ogg files in Arma 3 editor and it worked with two soldiers from same sides...but failed whan tried to mix sides

Arma 3 Advanced scripting Insertion exsamples

Arma 3 helicopter insertion with cool effects made in arma editor using scripts. In this tutorial I will show you many ways how you can make great helicopter insertion just by tweaking some lines in commands. Many more arma 3 tutorials is coming from VUman channel

HERE ARE THE LINES FROM TUTORIAL....for LV Script folder e-mail me...and I will send it to you

Plain Command

nul = [player,true,1,3,false,false,player,"random",300,true,false,6,"default",[false,false,false,false],nil,nil,nil,false] execVM "LV\reinforcementChopper.sqf";

Group Command

nul = [player,true,1,3,false,false,player,"random",300,true,false,6,"default",[false,false,false,false],group VUman,nil,nil,false] execVM "LV\reinforcementChopper.sqf";

Cover smoke

nul = [player,true,1,3,false,false,player,"random",300,true,false,6,"default",[false,true,false,false],group VUman,nil,nil,false] execVM "LV\reinforcementChopper.sqf";


nul = [player,true,1,3,false,false,player,"random",300,true,false,6,"default",[false,false,false,true],group VUman,nil,nil,false] execVM "LV\reinforcementChopper.sqf";


nul = [player,true,1,3,false,false,player,"random",300,true,false,6,"default",[false,false,true,false],group VUman,nil,nil,false] execVM "LV\reinforcementChopper.sqf";