Tutorial on how to make AI eject plane or helicopter in arma 3 editor.
You can use this to make AI paratrooper reinforcements in arma 3 editor, or as many people call it paratrooper drop
AI join group in Arma 3
How to make AI join group in arma 3 editor scripting commands...simple way to do it !
Tutorial on how to make AI salute in arma 3 editor scripting commands...simple way to do it !
Arma 3 we salute you ! ! !
Defend position by BIS function arma 3 Tutorial
Bis defense function tutorial arma 3 quick how to use it.
This is a simple example how computer can use base defenses in arma 3 and coordinate a defense action!
This is a simple example how computer can use base defenses in arma 3 and coordinate a defense action!
In ON ACT in Waypoint put this code:
nul=[group this, position this] call BIS_fnc_taskDefend;
Arma 3 Editor tutorials Sector seize reward
In this Arma 3 editor tutorial I will explain a simple method on how to get a reward for capturing sector. Also there is a neat trick for Headquarters entity module trick in a video...so be sure to watch the video all the way. And there is a stupid mistake I made in making this arma 3 editor tutorial, but it will prevent you to do the same mistake when creating your own mission and campaigns in arma 3 editor.
Be sure to comment, rate, favourite and share this Video. Visit my Channel and SUBSCRIBE!
I`m also active on Facebook, Twitter and Blogger! Video Links, New Videos and Activity Feed. Take time to visit and show that "Like / Follow" Button some love or Comment on my Blog! Any Kind of Support is appreciated. Thanks!
I`m also active on Facebook, Twitter and Blogger! Video Links, New Videos and Activity Feed. Take time to visit and show that "Like / Follow" Button some love or Comment on my Blog! Any Kind of Support is appreciated. Thanks!
Editor tutorial How to Setup Sector in Arma 3
How to setup sector in arma 3 is a very simple but very helpful when creating a mission where you fight over for a territory. This is a one way of using it in a arma 3 editor.
Do not forget put a code in the arma multiplayer module SECTOR in the expression box ! ! !
How to Modify END option in Arma 3
In this tutorial I will explain how to modify the triggers END option in arma 3 editor.
class End1
title = "";
subtitle = "";
description = "";
pictureBackground = "";
picture = "b_inf";
pictureColor[] = {0.0,0.3,0.6,1};
Bear in mind that this is just for END1, but you can use it for any of END# (END1 trough END6) just change the value in the code.
- The code for the description.ext is below, just copy, paste and add your text in title and description
class End1
title = "";
subtitle = "";
description = "";
pictureBackground = "";
picture = "b_inf";
pictureColor[] = {0.0,0.3,0.6,1};
How to use Strategic Map in Arma 3
This is one cool feature of Arma 3 modules. I love to put this in my campaigns and mission, to create a story line with multiple combat tasks. The mission with a strategic map in it looks more professional and gives a player more freedom and not a boring need to do NOW gameplay. This is the most simple trick you can use in arma 3 editor, and it looks amazing
The code used in this example is:- player setPos (_this select 0);
How to create a Task in Arma 3
Example how to use Task Module option in Arma 3 editor. I show here how to synchronize tasks with trigger, and how to start a new Task by ending the previous one. Also at the end of the tutorial, I will show you a case on how to end a task by killing a unit.
Guys sorry for a bit long tutorial, and I sincerely apologize for my mistakes in creating a tutorial...that is the way it goes when I make a tutorial without preparation LOL.
For a beginners in arma editor, be sure to watch tutorial all the way through...you will learn a great deal of tricks.
Arma 3 Campaign VUman War - Part 4
Part 4 of Vuman Campaign in Arma 3.
Arma 3 Campaign VUman War - Part 4
Now we are getting serious in Arma 3 Campaign creation. Now this is what you get when you combine all of my tutorials...and this is only the beginning. You can do a lot more if you combine my tutorials and your imagination for making your missions and campaigns...
Arma 3 Campaign VUman War - Part 3
Part 3 of my Vuman War Campaign in Arma 3
Arma 3 Campaign VUman War - Part 3
This part is called Assault on Girna.
Arma 3 Campaign VUman War - Part 2
Part 2 of my Arma 3 Campaign VUman War.
Arma 3 Campaign VUman War - Part 2
Keep in mind that this campaign is mostly made for tutorial purposes
Arma 3 Radio Chat Crazy part two
Another great way to use Arma 3 Radio chat protocol. This one is a communication between Radio tower operator and pilot of Helicopter. AI telling a joke over the Radio Channel
Arma 3 Radio Chat Crazy
Arma 3 Funny Radio chat moments that I made in my days of boredom. Must see !!!
"And that is all I have to say about that" .... as FOREST GUMP say LOL ! ! !
Helicopter Extraction no buggy stuff ! ! !
This is a one of correct ways to do Arma 3 editor Helicopter Extraction with no buggy stuff. But I have to mention that this method is known to fail if using some of the attack helicopters for extraction purpose. I recomend using AH-9 Pawnee, MH-9 Hummingbird or a big type of helicopter like UH-80 Ghost Hawk for bigger crew. This example code is with no bug in it, and it is always performed 100% accurate. The evacuation helicopter will always perform extraction no matter what.
*Create extraction Helicopter and put codes below in his waypoints like I did in Video Tutorial
- ON ACT code in waypoint - with waypoint LOAD option type: dostop evac; evac land "land"
- ON CONDITION of waypoint with option MOVE type: ((!alive unit1) or (unit1 in evac)) and ((!alive unit2) or (unit2 in evac))...and so on...for other unit.
How to Create Radio Chat in Arma 3
How to make radio chat tutorial in Arma 3. This is a simple example how the radio chatter is made in arma 3 editor. For the code example of few radio tutorial.sqf lines and a discription.ext script of radio configuration go to SCRIPT page.
Don't forget to give me a thumbs up if you like the tutorial, and subscribe to my channel for a new ones!
Arma 3 how to make unit talk with sound
Arma 3 sound files and how to use them to make a unit speak! I hope I help you out with this tutorial! If I did, give me a thumbs UP!
For the script of description.ext go to SCRIPT page on the blog and copy - paste the code in your own file to make AI talk in Arma 3
Arma 3 Campaign VUman War - Part 1
My very own Campaign of Arma 3 game. I called it a VUman war! This is a gameplay of part one "Mission area".
I hope you will find it useful in a way to see how I used all the stuff you can find in my blog, and more in this Arma 3 Campaign. With more I mean that there will be more tutorials and more video examples of Arma 3 editor that I used within my Arma 3 Campaign.
This Part One of Vuman War Arma 3 Campaign is made to be like a short intro and main menu of the game where player can select where his game will take place on start. Here you can select whether to go fight on the Altis island or Stratis Island. Anyhow wherever you begin...you will be able to play all the missions that I have made.
I have used many scripts that are configured to play sound files, and radio chat in game. You can see a nice example of how to make unit speak in Arma 3 missions using editor and some free voice modulation programs. How you can make a voice interaction in Arma 3 is to be revealed in my next and new arma 3 editor tutorials.I know that some of you may find this arma 3 talking units funny because some of the voice outhere are weird, but I was limited for making voice files. The voice of units and radio chatter in my Arma 3 missions is by Me and my 9 year old son. But even like that... I think I got the real results making .ogg sound files that are played.
When we all recall how many months we have been waiting to see official Arma 3 campaign, and when you see how many people have worked on it...pardon me...I mean no disrespect, but it is ridiculous to see how much time it took them to be published. Sorry Bohemia...I am a BIG FAN, but I think I am right to say this. Nevertheless I think that Arma is the Best game on the market. Especially because they made it like that, so we all can make our own missions and campaigns.
Just for the laugh to say I made my 4 parts in just 7 days. And It was just me and my kid. Imagine what you can do If you had your Arma freaks friends to help you on your project and create you very own campaign.
Any way enjoy my example of what you can accomplish with some effort..I hope you will like it...and Yeah...I would appreciate your comments below or some suggestions
I hope you will find it useful in a way to see how I used all the stuff you can find in my blog, and more in this Arma 3 Campaign. With more I mean that there will be more tutorials and more video examples of Arma 3 editor that I used within my Arma 3 Campaign.
This Part One of Vuman War Arma 3 Campaign is made to be like a short intro and main menu of the game where player can select where his game will take place on start. Here you can select whether to go fight on the Altis island or Stratis Island. Anyhow wherever you begin...you will be able to play all the missions that I have made.
Arma 3 Campaign VUman War - Part 1
When we all recall how many months we have been waiting to see official Arma 3 campaign, and when you see how many people have worked on it...pardon me...I mean no disrespect, but it is ridiculous to see how much time it took them to be published. Sorry Bohemia...I am a BIG FAN, but I think I am right to say this. Nevertheless I think that Arma is the Best game on the market. Especially because they made it like that, so we all can make our own missions and campaigns.
Just for the laugh to say I made my 4 parts in just 7 days. And It was just me and my kid. Imagine what you can do If you had your Arma freaks friends to help you on your project and create you very own campaign.
Any way enjoy my example of what you can accomplish with some effort..I hope you will like it...and Yeah...I would appreciate your comments below or some suggestions
ARMA 3 EDITOR TUTORIAL - How to make horde or wave attacks in Arma editor
How to make horde or wave attacks ?
Example of using trigger to make a wave attacks on base in arma editor. Some people call this horde attack
Example of using trigger to make a wave attacks on base in arma editor. Some people call this horde attack
The main thing is to not forget to group the trigger with unit or group ( group leader ) to make trigger options change. Also you can set values of trigger size set to ZERO for best effect. And that is all... that is a really simple way on how to make a horde attack in arma 3.
ARMA 3 EDITOR TUTORIAL - How to make Random Spawn
How to make Random Spawn ?
This is so cool stuff to use when creating a missions. Random spawn can really surprised even the mission maker when playing his own missions. Use this as much as you can when creating a mission, and my advice is use 2 or 3 random patrol modules on the same area where the battle is going to be placed...you will love it.
This is so cool stuff to use when creating a missions. Random spawn can really surprised even the mission maker when playing his own missions. Use this as much as you can when creating a mission, and my advice is use 2 or 3 random patrol modules on the same area where the battle is going to be placed...you will love it.
ARMA 3 EDITOR TUTORIAL - How to use Site Module in Arma 3
ARMA 3 EDITOR TUTORIAL - How to use Generic Radio Message
How to use Generic Radio Message in Arma 3
How to use Generic Radio Message Module in Arma 3 is very simply explained here...but there are also different ways to do this...just use your imagination
*Create a trigger
*Create a Module - Events - Generic Radio Message
*Create a Module - Intel - Headquarters entity and place it anywhere ( do not group or synchronize it )
How to use Generic Radio Message Module in Arma 3 is very simply explained here...but there are also different ways to do this...just use your imagination
*Create a Module - Events - Generic Radio Message
- Sinchronize trigger and Generic Radio Message Module
*Create a Module - Intel - Headquarters entity and place it anywhere ( do not group or synchronize it )
ARMA 3 EDITOR TUTORIAL - How to use Combat Get In Module
How to use Combat Get In Module ?
Combat get in module in Arma 3 is super cool for use on your missions, Especially for defending your base. They will chill around until they see an enemy...and then engage...so be sure to include this module in your mission creation.
*Create empty vehicle ( or static defense )*Create a group of soldiers
*Create a Module ( Combat Get In )
- Synchronize Group with Module and Module with Vehicle
ARMA 3 EDITOR TUTORIAL - How to make random patrol with trigger
How to make random patrol with trigger ?
An example how you can use trigger to start a random patrol in Arma 3. In this case I was using trigger ( Civilian detected by Blufor ).
An example how you can use trigger to start a random patrol in Arma 3. In this case I was using trigger ( Civilian detected by Blufor ).
*Create a group
- Assign a name for that group ( for team leader ) - lets call them "GrpName"
- in ON ACT field put this " nul=[group GrpName, position GrpName, 100] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; "
- in trigger options select Civilian detected by Blufor
Create Civilian
ARMA 3 EDITOR TUTORIAL - How to make random patrol with waypoint
How to make random patrol with waypoint ?
There are several ways to do this...but in this particular case it is with waypoint.Creating a random patrols in arma is necessary for your mission.
There are several ways to do this...but in this particular case it is with waypoint.Creating a random patrols in arma is necessary for your mission.
*Create a group
- give them a waypoint
- in ON ACT field of waypoint put this code " nul=[group this, position this, 100] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; "
ARMA 3 EDITOR TUTORIAL - Radio Chat Module
How to Delete Marker in Arma 3
After you finish the task pointed with a marker on map, you can use this simple way to remove used markers, and then create new ones on a clear map. So the effect is when you starting the game there is no markers, and as you go through a mission you can create and delete markers as it suit your needs.
This is the simple script that you place in ON ACT field: " deleteMarker "marker1" "
You can use trigger or waypoints to delete marker in arma 3. Just bear in mind to remember the names of markers that you are creating and want to delete.

After you finish the task pointed with a marker on map, you can use this simple way to remove used markers, and then create new ones on a clear map. So the effect is when you starting the game there is no markers, and as you go through a mission you can create and delete markers as it suit your needs.
This is the simple script that you place in ON ACT field: " deleteMarker "marker1" "
You can use trigger or waypoints to delete marker in arma 3. Just bear in mind to remember the names of markers that you are creating and want to delete.

How to create SYMBOL MARKER
This is how to make Symbol Marker to show in a game after you start playing.It is useful when you need to get waypoint markers in some situations or briefings from other units.I usually use it when other units need to point me to tasks or given routes or enemy positions when mission is already running.
This is how to make Symbol Marker to show in a game after you start playing.It is useful when you need to get waypoint markers in some situations or briefings from other units.I usually use it when other units need to point me to tasks or given routes or enemy positions when mission is already running.
*Create a unit and name it ( bob )
*Create a Waypoint
*Create a Waypoint
- in the ON ACT field put this script " bob = createMarker ["marker1", [5025,5903]]; bob setMarkerShape "ICON"; "marker1" setMarkerType "mil_arrow"; "marker1" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; "marker1" setMarkerDir 90; "marker1" setMarkerText "GO HERE."; "
TYPE OF MARKERS are on Script page
How to create AREA MARKER ?
In this Arma editor tutorial you can see how to set up a marker area using a simple script. This time I have shown you how to create a marker with waypoint and a trigger. This can be very helpful when making a mission and need a marker created after the game begin.
*Create a Waypoint
In this Arma editor tutorial you can see how to set up a marker area using a simple script. This time I have shown you how to create a marker with waypoint and a trigger. This can be very helpful when making a mission and need a marker created after the game begin.
*Create a unit and name it ( bob )*Create a Waypoint
- in the ON ACT field put this script " bob = createMarker ["marker1", [5025,5903]]; bob setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "marker1" setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; "marker1" setMarkerSize [100, 100]; "marker1" setMarkerBrush "SOLID"; "
Another way is to create the Area Marker with trigger
- in the ON ACT field put this script " bob = createMarker ["marker1", [5025,5903]]; bob setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; "marker1" setMarkerColor "ColorGreen"; "marker1" setMarkerSize [100, 100]; "marker1" setMarkerBrush "SOLID"; "
"Solid", "Horizontal", "Vertical", "Grid", "FDiagonal", "BDiagonal", "DiagGrid" and "Cross"
How to make a unit SPEAK?

*Create a unit and name it ( bob )*Create a module - SET CALLSIGN
- In the Custom Callsign put " what ever you need to be in the radio chat message as a call sign" ( MAJOR BOB )
- sinchronise it with unit
- in the ON ACT. field of the waypoint put this code " bob sideChat " Hello Arma fans!" "
*Create a trigger BLUFOR, PRESENT,RECTANGLE ( ex.1:5 size ) and put it in front of the MAJOR BOB
- synchronize it with waypoint ( MAJOR BOB )
*Create a second waypoint ( you can use MOVE or TALK command )
- repeat the code " bob sideChat " I want you to remember this tutorial, it will serve you good" "
For pause between the radio chatter please see the EXAMPLE VIDEO that I have made.
MOVE command use when you want unit to move and then talk
TALK command use when you want unit to talk without moving
How to activate a waypoint using CHAT?
Nice way to control units over the radio chat in Arma. See below on video example how you can order a unit to move over the side chat radio.
*Create a trigger
*Create a seccond unit
Nice way to control units over the radio chat in Arma. See below on video example how you can order a unit to move over the side chat radio.
*Create unit ( player or AI ) name it ( bob )*Create a trigger
- make it a Radio alpha...,
- ON ACT. field put this code " bob sideChat "I need Help!"; message1 = "done" "
*Create a seccond unit
- make first waypoint and make it close to unit with order " MOVE "
- make second waypoint with order "SEEK AND DESTROY", speed "FULL", "AWARE" and in the condition put this code " message1 == "done" "
How to trigger a waypoint by killing a unit?
This is the most common way to trigger a waypoint in arma editor.
Nice and simple way to set off a waypoint. A most coolest way to use waypoint activation. All you need to remember is to name a unit that will affect a waypoint activation and a simple command that goes in a trigger condition. Cool thing is that it is applicable on all units and vehicles!
*Create second unit
This is the most common way to trigger a waypoint in arma editor.
Nice and simple way to set off a waypoint. A most coolest way to use waypoint activation. All you need to remember is to name a unit that will affect a waypoint activation and a simple command that goes in a trigger condition. Cool thing is that it is applicable on all units and vehicles!
*Create a unit and name him ( bob )*Create second unit
- give it a waypoint one with the order "MOVE" and place it closely
- give it a second waypoint to the destination where you want it to move
- in the condition of trigger put this command " !alive bob "
- synchronize the trigger with first waypoint
How to activate a waypoint not using a trigger?
This tutorial shows you how you can activate waypoint without using a trigger. This can be very useful in making a mission more realistic, and can be used in many ways as you will see in future tutorials.
*Create second unit that you want to move when desired condition is fulfilled.
This tutorial shows you how you can activate waypoint without using a trigger. This can be very useful in making a mission more realistic, and can be used in many ways as you will see in future tutorials.
*Create a unit and give it a name ( bob )*Create second unit that you want to move when desired condition is fulfilled.
- give this unit first waypoint with command "MOVE" and place it closely
- in the waypoint condicion put this code " !alive bob "
- create second waypoint where you want this unit to go.
How to activate a waypoint using a trigger?
This is a simple example of how to activate a waypoint using a trigger in Arma editor.
* Create 2 waypoints
- 1 waypoint must be close to unit so we can stop him
- 2 waypoint must be where you want your unit to go
* Create a trigger and synchronize it with first waypoint of the unit.
-You don't have to change anything in the trigger options!
And that's it...off he goes.
This is a simple example of how to activate a waypoint using a trigger in Arma editor.
* Create unit* Create 2 waypoints
- 1 waypoint must be close to unit so we can stop him
- 2 waypoint must be where you want your unit to go
* Create a trigger and synchronize it with first waypoint of the unit.
-You don't have to change anything in the trigger options!
And that's it...off he goes.
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