How to make a unit SPEAK?

*Create a unit and name it ( bob )*Create a module - SET CALLSIGN
- In the Custom Callsign put " what ever you need to be in the radio chat message as a call sign" ( MAJOR BOB )
- sinchronise it with unit
- in the ON ACT. field of the waypoint put this code " bob sideChat " Hello Arma fans!" "
*Create a trigger BLUFOR, PRESENT,RECTANGLE ( ex.1:5 size ) and put it in front of the MAJOR BOB
- synchronize it with waypoint ( MAJOR BOB )
*Create a second waypoint ( you can use MOVE or TALK command )
- repeat the code " bob sideChat " I want you to remember this tutorial, it will serve you good" "
For pause between the radio chatter please see the EXAMPLE VIDEO that I have made.
MOVE command use when you want unit to move and then talk
TALK command use when you want unit to talk without moving